Compression Strength

There are two different ways of estimating the pressure strength, the Ring Smash Test (RCT) and the Limited ability to focus Test (SCT).

The two tests are comparable in that the strength of the liner or the fluting is estimated in machine and cross bearings. In any case, there is no widespread equation to change SCT over completely to RCT as there is certainly not a straightforward connection between the two qualities. Hence, the transformation among SCT and RCT should be finished for every particular provider.

Ring Crush Test

The transformation will likewise change with premise weight. It is hypothesized that this reliance of premise weight is made by a propensity of tests lock in the RCT due to a more drawn out range length than the SCT, viz. 12 mm and 0.7 mm individually.

The RCT additionally relies upon the nature of example arrangement. Just a precise parallelism of the example and guides ensures an accurate assurance of the Ring Squash Strength. In this way, the SCT often replaces it.

Short Span Compressive Test

The material characteristic “compressive strength” can be determined with high accuracy using SCT because of the buckling stability provided by short test lengths over traditional testing methods (Ring Crush Test, Corrugated Crush Test or Linear Crush Test).

Due to these technical advantages, the SCT is being used more and more worldwide. Thus qualified paper testing laboratories recommend using the SCT to predict the final characteristics of boxes.

For those users still not very familiar with this property, it is possible to calculate back the RCT value knowing the value of the SCT. However, there are some important limits to this practice, as highlighted above, which should be taken into serious consideration.

The Compression Strength Formula

The recipe is the condition of a direct relapse of the RCT and SCT upsides of tests with various premise loads. Lorentzen and Wettre give an overall condition which ought to be considered as a standard model and not utilized straightforwardly without a cautious check of the boundaries.

RCT CD= 120 x SCT CD – 97 or approximately
RCT CD= 95 x SCT CD (N)

The condition is explicit for each paper machine. This implies that the condition ought to be settled upon by maker and clients in view of a progression of committed tests.